When you start out in business there is so much to learn, it is an exciting and fun time, yet can be a bit daunting.
Confidence in business is everything and you must be comfortable in your own skin to sell yourself, which lets face it, is your business.
I have now been fortunate to work with quite a few clients and I have discovered a common underlying theme. All my clients have come to me with a problem they are hoping I will solve, and I do.

This maybe a personal issue that has taken their mind off their business, just not getting enquiries, needing more experience, not making enough money or just not sure how to move their businesses up a level.
The most interesting thing I have noticed, working with each of my clients, to not only re-brand or help them with the practical side of their businesses, is that the processes I take them through brings their confidence and excitement back.
I provide a clarity, I make them focus, we address pain points head on and I really make my clients sit down and concentrate on going forward. We forget about the past, what has happened and push their businesses forward with a very sharp and clear idea of what they want to achieve.
For me, every client I have worked with has been wowed about how confident they feel after even a month to month business boost with me. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am when I see the light bulb moments usually within the space of two weeks!

l scale everything back to basics and we study how they project themselves and conduct their business so we move on to ensure they are super clear and confident about their business goals from their branding and niching to dealing with enquiries and how to turn them into paid bookings.
As my clients confidence grows I can see this reflect in everything they do, I love watching them as they up their Instagram games, social media and get their ideal clients book.
If you would like to book a one to one business boost with me do let me know. I am now in my busy wedding season so am only taking on two clients each month during the summer months but I love the light bulb moments and watching my clients confidence grow. It makes a huge impact on their businesses within such a short space of time.
In a few weeks I will run a business challenge on my Facebook group, I will announce the event soon and be sure to sign up, it will be life changing as I make you reevaluate your business and give you the confidence boost I have witnessed with all my clients. Maybe not life changing but certainly business changing!!