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Done is better than Perfect

I had an interesting conversation with my sister this weekend whose company publishes beautiful books.

Those truly coveted books filled with gorgeous curated images transporting you into an aspirational world of cocktails, food, interiors, flowers and plenty more.

I know many of my business buddies have them, florists, restaurants, interior stylists and foodies!

They are all beautifully presented books.

But are they Perfect?

We live in a fast-paced world and in the publishing industry these books are projects with deadlines. If they don't meet the deadlines it affects everything from missing the print run and ultimately sales.

These projects take an enormous amount of commitment from the authors (chefs, interior stylists, garden designers, mixologists) are just a few examples.

Shoot locations are booked, photographers are booked and stylists to create the magic.

The Production Timeline of publishing Books

Months before a book is launched the marketing kicks in, book tours, marketing and the release date set for pre orders.

The books have to be designed, written, proof read, not once but many times and in the case of recipes measurements, words, etc have to be checked in both European and US measurements as they vary. Think courgette in English but zucchini in the US.

Whilst every care is taken into attention to detail my sister surprised me as I don't know much about publishing but I related this to how we market our businesses.

She explained they have deadlines, they are the project managers and if a book is going into production they sometimes don't have time to change very marginal errors they know are there.

They are under pressure to meet deadlines.

If it is a choice of taking a book out of production because they spotted a typo or just publishing it and it is on time it goes to print.

Let's apply this analogy to our own Businesses

Wedding world is the ultimate it has got to be perfect and there is a lot of pressure to get everything done for that wedding.

We don't get a second chance and are the masters of sorting out problems when they arise, usually like swans above water but frantically paddling under that calm lake!

But here is the thing when it comes to your marketing, you aren't under such deadlines, you do have time, it doesn't have to be perfect.

If a social media post or Pinterest post didn't go out due to a technical hitch it doesn't matter, if a reel flopped it doesn't matter, if you spot a typo in your blog post you can change it.

The main thing is to just keep moving forwards with your marketing and stop stressing about it being perfect.

We aren't under the same sort of pressure the publishing industry are.

Enjoy marketing your business and hit that post publish button and let it start working for you, it isn't going to print and can be edited later.

If you would love to join my Blogging Brilliance Course and hit those publish buttons come and join in, give your business some marketing love this autumn.

You can sign up here and we really get going at the end of September.

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